In May 2017, we signed a MoU with ICAP at Columbia University outlining a framework of collaboration to improve access to treatment for people living with HIV. Under this framework, we work together to facilitate market introduction and uptake of jointly-identified priority medicines for the prevention and treatment of HIV in LMICs, particularly where ICAP operates. MPP and ICAP have also agreed to explore opportunities for collaboration in tuberculosis (TB), including TB/HIV co-infection. Founded in 2003 at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, ICAP is one of the largest U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief implementing partners. Both ICAP and MPP are partners in the OPTIMIZE Consortium, led by Wits RHI and supported through the United States Agency for International DevelopmentOPTIMIZE is a global partnership unifying distinct voices to achieve a common goal: accelerating access to simpler, safer and more affordable HIV treatment.