En mai 2022, sous lâĂ©gide du Groupement dâaccĂšs aux technologies contre la COVID-19 (C-TAP) de lâOMS, le Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) a signĂ© deux accords de licence avec les Instituts nationaux de santĂ© (NIH) des Ătats-Unis sur 11 technologies pour la mise au point de plusieurs traitements, vaccins Ă un stade prĂ©coce de dĂ©veloppement et outils de dĂ©pistage innovants contre la COVID-19.
Parmi ces technologies contre la COVID-19 se trouve un candidat vaccin :
Vaccin à base de virus para-influenza de type 3 (candidat vaccin) :
Des scientifiques du NIAID (National Insitute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) ont mis au point un candidat vaccin sous la forme dâun spray nasal destinĂ© aux nourrissons et aux enfants. Le vaccin utilise un vecteur viral qui permet dâexprimer la protĂ©ine Spike immunogĂšne du SARS-CoV-2 stabilisĂ©e. Le vecteur viral est un virus de forme chimĂ©rique, vivant mais affaibli, constituĂ© dâun virus para-influenza bovin et de certaines protĂ©ines du virus para-influenza humain de type 3 (HPIV 3). Ce type de vaccin, qui se prĂ©sente sous forme de spray nasal, est censĂ© dĂ©clencher une immunitĂ© systĂ©mique et des muqueuses importante et durable contre le SARS-CoV-2 et les infections respiratoires chez lâenfant provoquĂ©es par le virus para-influenza humain de type 3.
Le MPP invite les entreprises du monde entier Ă faire part de leur intĂ©rĂȘt pour obtenir une sous-licence sur lâune de ces technologies sur lâune de ces technologies en envoyant la description dĂ©taillĂ©e de leur projet Ă lâadresse

Aim of the licences | To facilitate the manufacture and commercialisation of Covid-19 related health products and vaccines around the world |
Technology | One licence covers different patents and materials on technologies potentially relevant in the fight against COVID-19. The second licence specifically covers patents on the spike protein. |
Products | Any product or vaccine that is covered by the Patents or Patent Applications or uses the Licensed Material. |
Field of use | While one licence on the different technologies is granted for SARS-CoV-2 products for the WHO C-TAP program, the second licence, in relation to spike protein, refers to SARS-CoV-2 vaccines for the WHO C-TAP program. |
Territory | Worldwide |
Term | Continuing until the date the last Patent has lapsed, expired, or been invalidated |
Scope of the grant | Non-exclusive right to grant royalty-bearing sublicences to develop the licensed patents/material into licensed products or vaccines, and to commercialise the licensed products or vaccines |
Sublicence | MPP invites interested developers anywhere in the world to express their interest in obtaining a sublicence for any of these technologies by submitting an e-mail to providing as much detail as possible as to what the developer intends to do with a sublicence |