En novembre 2020, le MPP et ViiV Healthcare ont signé un nouvel accord de licence volontaire pour permettre un meilleur accès aux traitements à base de dolutégravir (DTG) dans certains pays à revenu intermédiaire de la tranche supérieure. Ce nouvel accord de licence couvre l’Azerbaïdjanle Bélarusle Kazakhstan et la Malaisie. Tenant compte des difficultés particulières auxquelles ces pays sont confrontés et pour répondre aux demandes formulées par la communauté des malades du VIH et les gouvernements, ViiV Healthcare et le MPP ont élaboré cet accord, unique en son genre, afin d’accroître l’accès et la disponibilité de traitements génériques contre le VIH à base de DTG, tout en soutenant l’investissement continu dans des innovations très attendues.

Principales caractéristiques
Eligibility for sublicences
Sublicences can be issued to qualified entities worldwide to a maximum of three sublicensees (in view of the small market size), each of which must (i) be an existing licensee for DTG via MPP or ViiV, (ii) have already obtained WHO PQ or FDA tentative authorization for DTG, (iii) have existing infrastructure in the four countries, and (iv) have an efficient batch tracing procedure to track diversion. If the demand changes the number of sublicensees can change too.
Manufacturing Allows manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredient and finished formulations anywhere in the world.
Geographical scope for sale
  4 UMICs countries – Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Malaysia. Public market sales only.
Sales outside the licensed territory
Given that the Sublicensee must be existing DTG licensee, under the DTG Adult licence the sales outside the licensed countries are permitted, where there is no granted patent in force and where sales of a generic version do not infringe on an existing patent, such as in cases in which a compulsory licence has been issued.
Royalties Tiered per-pack royalty rates based on percentage of PLHIV treated with DTG. The royalty rate is kept confidential.
Quality assurance Licensees must obtain approval from WHO Pre-qualification, or a Stringent Regulatory Authority. Where such approval is not yet available, temporary approval from a WHO Expert Review Panel may be obtained.
Access MPP and ViiV must agree to an annual “Engagement Plan” to work to address any barriers to access (e.g. of a regulatory nature) and support greater DTG uptake in the four countries. Possibility of termination in the event that the Licensee does not achieve access within 24 months.
Combinations Sublicensees have the right to combine DTG with other ARVs and to develop suitable new fixed-dose combinations.
Data exclusivity Data exclusivity is waived in countries with such form of protection, thus facilitating regulatory approval of generics.
Patent disclosure
The licence discloses the list of pending and granted patents in the territory.
Additional flexibilities for licensees Licensees can challenge any of the licensed patents.
Liste des pays
Azerbaïdjan, Bélarus, Kazakhstan, Malaisie

Génériqueurs partenaires et développeurs de produits