Titulaire de licence: Bristol Myers Squibb
Date: novembre 2015En novembre 2015, le Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) a annoncĂ© la signature dâun accord de licence avec Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) sur le daclatasvir (DAC), un antiviral Ă action directe, et ses combinaisons. Cet accord permet la fabrication et la commercialisation de versions gĂ©nĂ©riques de ce traitement contre lâhĂ©patite C dans au moins 112 pays et couvre 65,4 % des personnes vivant avec le virus de lâhĂ©patite C dans les pays Ă revenus faible et intermĂ©diaire. Outre les pays mentionnĂ©s dans le territoire de la licence, le DAC peut ĂȘtre fourni aux pays suivants : Albanie, Argentine, ArmĂ©nie, BiĂ©lorussie, Bosnie-HerzĂ©govine, BrĂ©sil, Bulgarie, Chili, Chine, Colombie, Ăgypte, Ămirats arabes unis, Jordanie, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kirghizistan, Liban, MacĂ©doine du Nord, Malaisie, Mexique, Moldavie, MontĂ©nĂ©gro, PĂ©rou, Roumanie, Serbie, Tadjikistan, ThaĂŻlande, Turquie, Ukraine, Uruguay et Venezuela. Depuis dĂ©cembre 2021, le daclatasvir gĂ©nĂ©rique peut ĂȘtre fourni Ă au moins 143 pays.
Principales caractéristiques
Eligibility for sublicences | Sublicences can be issued to qualified entities worldwide. |
Manufacturing | Allows for the manufacturing of generic active pharmaceutical ingredient and finished formulations of DCV anywhere in the world. |
Geographical scope for sale | Allows for sale in at least 112 countries where 65.4% of people living with HCV in low- and middle-income countries live. |
Sales outside the licensed territory | Enables manufacturers that do not rely on BMS technology to sell outside the 112 countries if no granted patent is being infringed. This includes cases in which a compulsory licence is issued. |
Royalties | The license is royalty free. |
Quality assurance | Licensees must obtain approval from WHO Pre-qualification, or a Stringent Regulatory Authority. Where such approval is not yet available, temporary approval from a WHO Expert Review Panel may be obtained. |
Combinations | Sublicensees have the right to combine DCV with other drugs and to develop new fixed-dose combinations. |
Data exclusivity | Data exclusivity is waived in countries with such form of protection, thus facilitating regulatory approval of generics. |
Patent disclosure | The licence discloses the list of pending and granted patents worldwide at the time of licence signing. |
Technology transfer |
A technology transfer package is provided to all the sublicensees, but there is no obligation to use the technology. Information necessary for registration is also provided. |
Six sublicensees, namely Cipla, Hetero, Laurus, Mylan, Natco and Zydus Cadila have taken the technical decision not to rely on the licensed technology transfer package.
Eligibility for sublicences | Sublicences can be issued to qualified entities worldwide. |
Manufacturing | Allows for the manufacturing of generic active pharmaceutical ingredient and finished formulations of DCV anywhere in the world. |
Geographical scope for sale | Allows for sale in at least 112 countries where 65.4% of people living with HCV in low- and middle-income countries live. |
Sales outside the licensed territory | Enables manufacturers that do not rely on BMS technology to sell outside the 112 countries if no granted patent is being infringed. This includes cases in which a compulsory licence is issued. |
Royalties | The license is royalty free. |
Quality assurance | Licensees must obtain approval from WHO Pre-qualification, or a Stringent Regulatory Authority. Where such approval is not yet available, temporary approval from a WHO Expert Review Panel may be obtained. |
Combinations | Sublicensees have the right to combine DCV with other drugs and to develop new fixed-dose combinations. |
Data exclusivity | Data exclusivity is waived in countries with such form of protection, thus facilitating regulatory approval of generics. |
Patent disclosure | The licence discloses the list of pending and granted patents worldwide at the time of licence signing. |
Technology transfer |
A technology transfer package is provided to all the sublicensees, but there is no obligation to use the technology. Information necessary for registration is also provided. |
Six sublicensees, namely Cipla, Hetero, Laurus, Mylan, Natco and Zydus Cadila have taken the technical decision not to rely on the licensed technology transfer package.
Liste des pays
Afghanistan, AlgĂ©rie, Angola, AzerbaĂŻdjan, Bangladesh, Belize, BĂ©nin, Bhoutan, Bolivie (Ătat plurinational de), Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodge, Cameroun, Cabo Verde, RĂ©publique centrafricaine, Tchad, Comores, Ăles Cook, Costa Rica, CĂŽte d'Ivoire, Cuba, Congo, la RĂ©publique dĂ©mocratique de, Djibouti, Dominique, RĂ©publique dominicaine, Ăquateur, El Salvador, GuinĂ©e Ă©quatoriale, ĂrythrĂ©e, Eswatini, Ăthiopie, Fidji, Gabon, Gambie, GĂ©orgie, Ghana, Grenade, Guatemala, GuinĂ©e, GuinĂ©e-Bissau, Guyane, HaĂŻti, Honduras, Inde, IndonĂ©sie, Iraq, JamaĂŻque, Kenya, Kiribati, CorĂ©e (RĂ©publique populaire dĂ©mocratique), Lao, RĂ©publique dĂ©mocratique populaire, Lesotho, LibĂ©ria, Libye, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Ăles Marshall, Mauritanie, Maurice, MicronĂ©sie (Ătats fĂ©dĂ©rĂ©s de), Mongolie, Maroc, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibie, Nauru, NĂ©pal, Nicaragua, Niger, NigĂ©ria, Niue, Pakistan, Palaos, Panama, Papouasie-Nouvelle-GuinĂ©e, Paraguay, Philippines, Congo, Rwanda, Samoa, Sao TomĂ©-et-Principe, SĂ©nĂ©gal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Ăles Salomon, Somalie, Afrique du Sud, Soudan du Sud, Sri Lanka, Sainte-Lucie, Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines, Soudan, Suriname, RĂ©publique arabe syrienne, Tanzanie, RĂ©publique-Unie de, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Tunisie, TurkmĂ©nistan, Tuvalu, Ouganda, OuzbĂ©kistan, Vanuatu, Viet Nam, Ătat de Palestine, YĂ©men, Zambie, ZimbabweFormulations des partenaires du MPP dont la qualitĂ© est assurĂ©e :
- DAC 30mg
- DAC 60mg
- DAC/SOF 60/400 mg
Génériqueurs partenaires et développeurs de produits
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