En novembre 2015, le Medicines Patent Pool (MPP) a annoncĂ© la signature d’un accord de licence avec Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) sur le daclatasvir (DAC), un antiviral Ă  action directe, et ses combinaisons. Cet accord permet la fabrication et la commercialisation de versions gĂ©nĂ©riques de ce traitement contre l’hĂ©patite C dans au moins 112 pays et couvre 65,4 % des personnes vivant avec le virus de l’hĂ©patite C dans les pays Ă  revenus faible et intermĂ©diaire. Outre les pays mentionnĂ©s dans le territoire de la licence, le DAC peut ĂȘtre fourni aux pays suivants : Albanie, Argentine, ArmĂ©nie, BiĂ©lorussie, Bosnie-HerzĂ©govine, BrĂ©sil, Bulgarie, Chili, Chine, Colombie, Égypte, Émirats arabes unis, Jordanie, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kirghizistan, Liban, MacĂ©doine du Nord, Malaisie, Mexique, Moldavie, MontĂ©nĂ©gro, PĂ©rou, Roumanie, Serbie, Tadjikistan, ThaĂŻlande, Turquie, Ukraine, Uruguay et Venezuela. Depuis dĂ©cembre 2021, le daclatasvir gĂ©nĂ©rique peut ĂȘtre fourni Ă  au moins 143 pays.

Principales caractéristiques
Eligibility for sublicences Sublicences can be issued to qualified entities worldwide.
Manufacturing Allows for the manufacturing of generic active pharmaceutical ingredient and finished formulations of DCV anywhere in the world.
Geographical scope for sale Allows for sale in at least 112 countries where 65.4% of people living with HCV in low- and middle-income countries live.
Sales outside the licensed territory Enables manufacturers that do not rely on BMS technology to sell outside the 112 countries if no granted patent is being infringed. This includes cases in which a compulsory licence is issued.
Royalties The license is royalty free.
Quality assurance Licensees must obtain approval from WHO Pre-qualification, or a Stringent Regulatory Authority. Where such approval is not yet available, temporary approval from a WHO Expert Review Panel may be obtained.
Combinations Sublicensees have the right to combine DCV with other drugs and to develop new fixed-dose combinations.
Data exclusivity Data exclusivity is waived in countries with such form of protection, thus facilitating regulatory approval of generics.
Patent disclosure The licence discloses the list of pending and granted patents worldwide at the time of licence signing.
Technology transfer

A technology transfer package is provided to all the sublicensees, but there is no obligation to use the technology. Information necessary for registration is also provided.

Voir la licence concernée

Six sublicensees, namely Cipla, Hetero, Laurus, Mylan, Natco and Zydus Cadila have taken the technical decision not to rely on the licensed technology transfer package.

Liste des pays
Afghanistan, AlgĂ©rie, Angola, AzerbaĂŻdjan, Bangladesh, Belize, BĂ©nin, Bhoutan, Bolivie (État plurinational de), Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodge, Cameroun, Cabo Verde, RĂ©publique centrafricaine, Tchad, Comores, Îles Cook, Costa Rica, CĂŽte d'Ivoire, Cuba, Congo, la RĂ©publique dĂ©mocratique de, Djibouti, Dominique, RĂ©publique dominicaine, Équateur, El Salvador, GuinĂ©e Ă©quatoriale, ÉrythrĂ©e, Eswatini, Éthiopie, Fidji, Gabon, Gambie, GĂ©orgie, Ghana, Grenade, Guatemala, GuinĂ©e, GuinĂ©e-Bissau, Guyane, HaĂŻti, Honduras, Inde, IndonĂ©sie, Iraq, JamaĂŻque, Kenya, Kiribati, CorĂ©e (RĂ©publique populaire dĂ©mocratique), Lao, RĂ©publique dĂ©mocratique populaire, Lesotho, LibĂ©ria, Libye, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Îles Marshall, Mauritanie, Maurice, MicronĂ©sie (États fĂ©dĂ©rĂ©s de), Mongolie, Maroc, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibie, Nauru, NĂ©pal, Nicaragua, Niger, NigĂ©ria, Niue, Pakistan, Palaos, Panama, Papouasie-Nouvelle-GuinĂ©e, Paraguay, Philippines, Congo, Rwanda, Samoa, Sao TomĂ©-et-Principe, SĂ©nĂ©gal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Îles Salomon, Somalie, Afrique du Sud, Soudan du Sud, Sri Lanka, Sainte-Lucie, Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines, Soudan, Suriname, RĂ©publique arabe syrienne, Tanzanie, RĂ©publique-Unie de, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Tunisie, TurkmĂ©nistan, Tuvalu, Ouganda, OuzbĂ©kistan, Vanuatu, Viet Nam, État de Palestine, YĂ©men, Zambie, Zimbabwe

Formulations des partenaires du MPP dont la qualité est assurée :

  • DAC 30mg
  • DAC 60mg
  • DAC/SOF 60/400 mg


Génériqueurs partenaires et développeurs de produits

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